Erik van Veenendaal
Improve IT Services BVErik van Veenendaal is a leading international consultant and trainer, and a recognized expert in the area of software testing and requirement engineering. He is the author of a number of books and papers within the profession, one of the core developers of the TMap testing methodology, a participant in working parties of the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB), and currently a board member of the TMMi Foundation. Erik is a frequent keynote and tutorial speaker at international testing and quality conferences. For his major contribution to the field of testing, Erik received the European Testing Excellence Award (2007) and the ISTQB International Testing Excellence Award (2015). You can follow Erik on twitter via @ErikvVeenendaal.
Test Strategies, Analytical Testing and beyond
Software will never be defect free. At the same time the importance of software to the society, and it’s complexity are growing at a high rate. Testing is and will always remain an essential part of software development, but finds it hard to keep up with these ever growing challenges. Just applying traditional testing practices in many cases in not enough anymore. This keynote will discuss the various test strategies that can be applied, and how they can assists the test professional. Special focus will be given to analytical testing. What is analytical testing and how can it be applied in today’s challenging projects? How does risk-based testing relate to analytical testing? These and many more questions will be dealt with during this SEETEST keynote.

Yaron Tsubery
Smartest Technologies, IsraelYaron Tsubery has been working in software since 1990, and has more than 20 years in the Software development, QA and Testing field as a Test Engineer, Customer Support Engineer, Testing TL, and Testing Manager, as well as Product Manager, Project Manager and Developer, before becoming the Senior Director of QA & Testing and PMO.
Yaron is an IT executive with excessive experience in managing QA & Testing organizations conducting large-scale, complex, real-time system testing in various sectors: Telecom, Banking, IT and Medical Devices. In charge of planning and implementing control quality assurance systems and SDLCs, while using best practice industrial standards (e.g. CMMi, TMMi, ISO, TPI etc.). Preparing and leading a large international company in the Telecom industry through ISO 9001: 2000 certification. Management of large operations,both local and distributed outsourced teams in USA, India, Hungary and Singapore.
Yaron is the former President of ISTQB® (International Software Testing Qualifications Board and is also the President and founder of the ITCB® (Israeli Testing Certification Board). He is a member of IQAMF (Israeli QA Managers Forum) and SIGiST Israel.
A way to grade your Project, reduce your Backlog and a Predictive hint
Some of our tasks as test engineers or as test managers are to find the path(s) that will lead to effective results when it comes to the quality of the products and projects that we’re involved with. This talk was made to show the need to reduce quality risks by analyzing the typical software issues that might impact the quality of our products or projects. It will also point out where we hurt our businesses the most and try to deal with that by granting our projects/products with grade and show constant improvement over time.
In this speech you’ll be able to get to know a bit more about the ODC model and the Impact classifications that it holds; as well as how to grade your projects. You will be able to do that by collecting information about the software issues that were found over time so you can predict what will be on your next release and where to put a focus, in order to reduce risks that will impact your business badly. I’ll share real case studies and show how this can be assisted, as well as ways to preserve it in an on-going mode.