Using and Choosing Test Techniques

Using and Choosing Test Techniques

by Dr Stuart Reid, STA Consulting, UK

September 18, 2023

Full day course

Dr Stuart Reid is Chief Technology Officer at STA Consulting in Seoul with 40 years’ experience in the IT industry, working in development, testing, and education. While currently concentrating on the testing of AI, application areas range from safety-critical to financial and media.

Stuart supports the worldwide testing community in a number of roles. He is convener of the ISO Software Testing Working Group, which has published the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 series of software testing standards and is the co-convener of the ISO Joint Working Group on Testing AI. Stuart previously led the ISO project on autonomous systems for software and systems engineering. He was also co-founder and first president of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) to promote software testing qualifications globally and he was one of the authors of the new ISTQB certification on the testing of AI-based systems.

Full Course Outline

For many, the core part of the tester’s job is the design of test cases; the quality of the test cases is often the major factor in deciding the quality of the testing.

This course provides delegates with practical guidance on the application of test case design techniques and measures of test coverage, and advice on the choice of which of these techniques and measures to use. The aim is to provide the delegate with a toolset of techniques from which they can then choose most effectively.

Test case design requires the tester to move from an infinite number of possible tests to a tiny subset which can be managed in the all too finite time available on a real project. The secret is to select the most effective subset that will give you the most information about the system under test. This is the challenging, skilful, intellectually-demanding task of effective test case design. The same fundamental approaches for designing tests are used at all levels of software testing.

This course provides delegates with practical hands-on experience of applying the most popular test case design techniques to example problems, each of which is supported by model answers.

The black-box techniques covered include boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, decision table testing, state transition testing, use case testing and metamorphic testing. All the techniques covered will conform to the definitions provided in the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 Software Testing standards.

Advice will be provided on how to decide which of these techniques will be most effective for a given situation based on both experience and experimental results.

08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - Start
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
15:45 - 16:15 Coffee Break
18:00 - End

To register, please contact us at [email protected]

ATTENTION: Limited number of seats available for the selected course!

Course price: 350 EUR

  • Groups of five or more people: 10%
  • SEETEST 2023 attendees: 10%

The discounts apply separately and they cannot be accumulated.

All prices are exclusive VAT.

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